The Approach
With BrandU, the college admissions process isn’t a period of torture or high anxiety. There are no handcuffs or one-size-fits-all approaches. Your student won’t simply check the boxes, but rather enthusiastically engage with a sense of ownership. There will be purposeful and memorable gratification and actual enjoyment along the journey, all while your student simultaneously develops new passions and builds a genuine and enduring love of learning.
Through BrandU’s customized systems and proprietary tools, parents remain informed as their child takes the reigns and leads, feeling wholly supported.
Specialized Services
Building A Balanced School List
Recommend best-fit institutions from reaches to safeties
Techniques in Break-
Through Writing
Teach creative & expository writing skills through a highly strategic lens
Supplemental Essay Construction
Lead Standout | Fit-In supplemental essay research and writing
SAT & ACT Test Prep
High efficiency customized instruction
Organizational Tools
Create systems that keep students on their toes vs. heels
Top 10
Lead activities section construction in manner that personifies life outside of the classroom
Teacher Recommendations
Guide in the selection of the who and the how in managing
Resume Development
Support the development of a telegraphic and pithy representation of the whole self
Interviewing Skills
Teach techniques and build confidence in
Contact & Outreach
Assist in the development of purposeful contact with admissions officers, professors, and when appropriate, alumni
Athletic Recruiting
Advise athletes across sports & provide support with coach interactions